2024-02-23 21:02百科知识 人已围观
苹果的英语单词是什么?苹果: [ píng guǒ ]1. apple其它相关解释: 例句与用法: 1. 我正在用我新买的煎锅做苹果馅饼。 I am cooking apple pies with my newly bought frying pan. 2. 苹果树正在开花。 The apple trees are blossoming. 3. 苹果是一种水果。 An apple is a kind of fruit. 4. 苹果中好几个烂了。 Several of the apples are bad. 5. 她正在削苹果皮。 She is paring the apple. 6. 我们准备把多余的苹果全部送人。 We are giving away all our surplus apples. 7. 这棵苹果树很少结果。 The apple tree is seldom fruitful. 8. 画中的苹果显得多逼真啊! What a realistic looking apple in the picture!
苹果 : [ píng guǒ ] 1. apple其它相关解释:例句与用法: 1. 我正在用我新买的煎锅做苹果馅饼。 I am cooking apple pies with my newly bought frying pan. 2. 苹果树正在开花。 The apple trees are blossoming. 3. 苹果是一种水果。 An apple is a kind of fruit. 4. 苹果中好几个烂了。 Several of the apples are bad. 5. 她正在削苹果皮。 She is paring the apple. 6. 我们准备把多余的苹果全部送人。 We are giving away all our surplus apples. 7. 这棵苹果树很少结果。 The apple tree is seldom fruitful. 8. 画中的苹果显得多逼真啊! What a realistic looking apple in the picture!
苹果的英文是什么简明汉英词典苹果 appleapple n.苹果, 苹果树苹果似的东西[美俚]炸弹, 手榴弹, (棒球的)球[美俚]人, 家伙apple blossom 苹果树的花apple butter 苹果酱习惯用语Adam's apple 喉结An apple a day keeps the doctor away. [谚] 一天一个苹果, 医生不上门(比喻不生病)。apple of discord 不和的种子, 祸根(据希腊神话, 三女神因争金苹果而导致特洛伊战争)apple of one's eye 瞳孔, 瞳仁 掌上明珠; 心爱的宝贝apple of the eye 瞳孔, 瞳仁 掌上明珠; 心爱的宝贝apple of Sodom (=Dead Sea apple) 索多姆地方的果子(古代传说中产于死海附近的果子, 外表好看但摘下来便化成灰烬) 华而不实东西; 虚有其表的事物as like as an apple to an oyster 毫无相同之处bad apple [美俚]坏家伙rotten apple [美俚]坏家伙golden apple (导致希腊三女神争夺的)金苹果 西红柿, 番茄love apple [古]西红柿, 番茄polish the apple [美俚]拍马屁, 讨好The rotten apple injures its neighbours. [谚]一只烂, 烂一筐; 一个坏朋友可以影响一群好人。Throw away the apple because of the core. 因噎废食。upset sb.'s apple cart 破坏某人计划 现代英汉词典apple n.苹果习惯用语the apple of sb.'s eye 珍爱之物 简明英汉词典apple n.苹果, 似苹果的果实
英语苹果怎么拼?apple附:apple小资料1.A deciduous Eurasian tree(Malus pumila) having alternate simple leaves and white or pink flowers. 苹果树:欧亚大陆一种落叶乔木(苹果) ,有互生的单叶及白色或粉色的花朵 2.The firm, edible, usually rounded fruit of this tree.苹果:这种树坚硬、可食、通常为圆形的果实3.Any of several other plants, especially those with fruits suggestive of the apple, such as the crab apple or custard apple.苹果属植物:其它几种这样的植物,尤指苹果状果实的,如酸苹果树或番荔枝树4.The fruit of any of these plants.苹果果实