2023-03-22 15:15百科知识 人已围观
The latest photographs were sent anonymously to the magazine's headquarters.最新的照片匿名寄给了该杂志总部。
The anonymity of the book gave rise to much speculation.这本书的匿名引起许多猜测。
Allow both anonymous and enabled Subscribers to create pull subscriptions.允许匿名和激活的预订程序创建接收预订。
Detectives hunting the gang were put on to them by an anonymous telephone call.缉捕歹徒的侦探接到向他们提供线索的匿名电话.
The meanness of anonymity gave a shuddering obscenity to the moment.这种匿名的卑鄙行为使他一时觉得下流得让人吃不消。
He was surprised by the venomous tone of the anonymous calls.那些匿名电话的恶毒语气很令他吃惊。
A placard was posted up without any signature, accusing a number of people by name. 有人张贴了一张匿名榜,指名控告了许多人。
Opinions expressed in the Appellate Body report by inpiduals serving on the Appellate Body shall be anonymous11.上诉机构报告中由任职于上诉机构的个人发表的意见应匿名。
Here, too, were many of that old, proscribed, nameless, red-handed clan of the Macgregors另外还有许多姓麦克格隆高的,他们是那个古老的,被放逐的、匿名的、两手涂满鲜血的部族。
anonymous是什么意思:adj. 匿名的;无名的;没特色的
Of course, that would have to be by anonymous vote.当然,那必须通过不记名投票的方式。
The writer wishes to remain anonymous.作者希望姓名不公开。
An anonymous donor,buyer,benefactor,etc不透露姓名的捐赠者,购买者,捐助者等
An anonymous well-wisher bailed the prisoners out.一个不留姓名的好心人把那些在押犯保释出来了。
His car was an anonymous-looking Ford.他的车是一辆没有明显特征的福特牌。