2023-12-18 19:23课程教程文章 人已围观
云贝教育 | 优化PostgreSQL Partial Writes(页裂
云贝教育 | 优化PostgreSQL Partial Writes(页裂...云贝教育 | PostgreSQL国产分布式数据库SQ
云贝教育 | PostgreSQL国产分布式数据库SQ...PostgreSQL数据库管理(三)
PostgreSQL数据库管理(三)PostgreSQL是以加州大学伯克利分校计算机系开发的POSTGRES,现在已经更名为Postgre...云贝教育 | PostgreSQL CA基础课,打好基础,
云贝教育 | PostgreSQL CA基础课,打好基础,购买后,需要课件的小伙伴请添加学院老师微信: 陈老师19941464235/高老师yunb...
方法一:group by + sum + case when
select name, sum(case when zbfm='年龄' then value else 0 end) as 年龄, sum(case when zbfm='身高' then value else 0 end) as 身高, sum(case when zbfm='体重' then value else 0 end) as 体重 from test group by name having name like '%1' and length(name)=4 order by 年龄 desc
crosstab(unknown, unknown) does not exist select * from crosstab( 'select name,zbfm,value from test where name like ''%1'' and length(name)=4',$$values('年龄'), ('身高'), ('体重')$$) as score(name text, 年龄 int, 身高 int, 体重 int) order by 年龄 desc
方法三:group by + string_agg + split_part(分组,行转列,字符切割)
select name, split_part(split_part(temp,',',1),':',2) as 年龄, split_part(split_part(temp,',',2),':',2) as 身高, split_part(split_part(temp,',',3),':',2) as 体重 from( select name, string_agg(zbfm||':'||value,',') as temp from test group by name having name like '%1' and length(name)=4 ) as t order by 年龄 desc
group by + string_agg
select name, string_agg(zbfm||':'||value,',') from test group by name having name like '%1' and length(name)=4