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#coding=utf-8 from pymouse import PyMouse, PyMouseEvent from pykeyboard import PyKeyboard, PyKeyboardEvent import time, threading import math ## 初始化参数区(全局变量) stop = False interval = 1 is_running = False times = 10 keys_mapping = { 0 : ['1', '2', '3', '4'], 10 : ['a', 'b'], 1 : ['c', 'd'], 11 : ['e', 'f'], } # 左上:0 右上:10 左下:1 右下:11 mouse = PyMouse() keyboard = PyKeyboard() x_dim, y_dim = mouse.screen_size() ## 循环按键 def loop(key): global stop global is_running global keyboard is_running = True for i in range(times): for k in keys_mapping[key]: if stop: print('stop') is_running = False return print(key, k) #keyboard.tap_key(k) time.sleep(interval) is_running = False ## 监控鼠标 class Clickonacci(PyMouseEvent): last_ts = None last_x = None last_y = None last_button = None def __init__(self): PyMouseEvent.__init__(self) ## hori:1-上,-1-下 def scroll(self, x, y, hori, press): print(x, y, hori) def click(self, x, y, button, press): if press: return global stop global x_dim global y_dim ts = time.time() # button:1-左键,2-右键,3-中键 # press: True-按下,False-释放 if button == 1: ## 判断双击 if self.last_ts and ts-self.last_ts<0.3 and self.last_button==button: print('double click') if is_running == True: stop = True time.sleep(interval) stop = False ## 计算类型 key = 10*math.floor(2.0*x/x_dim) + math.floor(2.0*y/y_dim) t = threading.Thread(target=loop, name='LoopThread', args=(key,)) t.start() self.last_ts = ts self.last_x = x self.last_y = y self.last_button = button else: stop = True if __name__ == '__main__': #main() C = Clickonacci() C.run()