

2023-02-14 23:37宝贝百科 人已围观

White feather is a symbol of cowardice or cowardice in the United Kingdom and some other Commonwealth countries. It is a metaphorical expression for a person who is deemed to lack courage or courage.

The phrase is derived from the legend that a white feather would appear on the body of a coward in battle. This is likely to be an allusion to the white feathers worn by the members of the British Order of the Garter, the highest order of chivalry in the UK.

The phrase was popularised by the novel The Four Feathers by A.E.W. Mason, which was first published in 1902. In the novel, a young British officer is accused of cowardice and sent four white feathers by his former comrades. The story follows his quest to prove his courage and honour.

The phrase is also used in the popular British television series, Downton Abbey. In the show, a white feather is sent to a character who is accused of cowardice. This is a reference to the novel and the notion of bravery.

The phrase has become a metaphor for cowardice in general. It is often used to describe someone who is too afraid to do something, such as stand up for themselves or stand up for what they believe in. It is also used to describe someone who is too afraid to take risks or try new things.

The phrase has been used in a variety of contexts, including politics, business, and even sports. It has become a popular way to describe someone who is too timid or who lacks the courage to take action.

In recent years, the phrase has taken on a more positive connotation. It is now used to describe someone who is brave, strong, and willing to take risks. This is especially true in the world of business, where taking risks is often seen as a necessary part of success.

In conclusion, white feather is a phrase that has been used for centuries to describe someone who is deemed to lack courage or bravery. It has been used in a variety of contexts, including politics, business, and sports. In recent years, it has taken on a more positive connotation and is now used to describe someone who is brave, strong, and willing to take risks.


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  • 百科标签:WhiteFeather,White,feather,sym


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