2023-02-03 10:55宝贝百科 人已围观
Fellowes 范罗士 4074101 Microshred 微粉碎 450
450M 微切碎机可同时粉碎多达 9 张纸(70 克/平方米),2 × 12 毫米微颗粒(*级别P-5)...OKI ? 41139810 网卡支架 hsp7130 ADP ML4410
OKI 打印机服务器接口适配器 - 适用于 Microline 4410...箱庭技研 亚克力屏幕 HLS30-9055
尺寸:宽900×深220×高700毫米(安装时) 套装内容:亚克力屏幕3块构成(3.0mm 厚)、*L字...适用于 Epson 爱普生 405XL 405 墨水的 405xl
包装清单:2 包 405XL 黑色墨盒、用户指南和操作手套(2 x 黑色 405XL 墨盒) * 兼容打...
Finis is a Latin word meaning "the end" or "the finish". It is commonly used in legal documents, such as wills and contracts, to indicate the conclusion of a document. Finis can also be used in literature, music, and other forms of artistic expression to mark the end of a particular section or movement.
In legal documents, finis is often used in conjunction with the phrase "in witness whereof" to indicate that the document has been signed by the parties involved and is now legally binding. This is done to demonstrate that the parties involved have agreed to the terms of the document and are willing to abide by them. Finis is also used in wills and other testamentary documents to indicate the end of the document.
In literature, finis is often used to mark the end of a chapter, section, or book. It is also used to indicate the conclusion of a poem or story. Finis can also be used to indicate the end of a particular theme or motif within a work. This can be used to signify the end of a particular plotline or to introduce a new element into the work.
In music, finis is often used to mark the end of a particular movement or piece. It is also used to indicate the conclusion of a particular section of a larger work. Finis can also be used to indicate the end of a particular song or composition.
Finis is also used in other forms of artistic expression, such as painting, sculpture, and film. It can be used to indicate the conclusion of a particular scene or sequence, or to signify the end of a particular work.
Finis is an important concept in many forms of artistic expression. It is often used to indicate the end of a particular section or movement, or to signify the conclusion of a particular work. Finis is also used in legal documents to demonstrate that the parties involved have agreed to the terms of the document and are willing to abide by them. It is an important tool in creating a sense of closure and finality within a work.
- 对应机型:ER-180UD 规格:对应任意日期、没有日期印刷、表面自动判断、印字栏自动判断 单位(数量):1?...
- 4 个 USB 端口,带有优化的 Apple 和 Android 充电 时尚短镀铬摇杆灯开关 香槟金 UV 涂层表面,防止磨损 ...
PMLN4652A 皮带夹兼容摩托罗拉 XPR3300 XPR33
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eclos 斯洛伐克原创商品 JAN代码:4562456853341 ISO140001 【环境标准】 ISO9001 【质量...EBL HP兼容Laserjet 5L黑色碳粉盒 C3906A 也适用
兼容于: Hewlett Packard Laserjet 3100 | Laserjet 3150 | Laserjet 5L | Laserjet 6L 黑色碳粉盒 页...Hxchen RC-36 NC + NO 嵌入式*窗门接触传感器报
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