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2022-12-10 21:51上海大学 人已围观
名 称:上海财经大学国际教育学院
- 教学规模:1分
- 周边环境:1分
- 收费合理:2分
- 教学设备:3分
- 教学质量:1分
- 师资力量:3分
- 校园环境:3分
- 社会影响:1分
- 校园食堂:2分
上海财经大学是一所具有90年悠久历史的教育部直属著名财经类高等学府,属国家“211工程”重点建设学校。上海财经大学国际教育学院的前身为成立于2004年的留学预科学院。国际教育学院,系专门从事国外知名高等院校预科教育和学术英语与桥课程培养的二级学院。学院依托上海财经大学丰富的国际教育资源,与国内权威的留学事业单位强强联手,与各国驻华使领馆、官方教育组织、国外大学建立了长期、直接、稳妥的合作关系,引进国际标准的预科课程体系,为立志出国留学的莘莘学子提供权威、规范、经济、稳妥的多种留学预科项目。学院国内合作伙伴为中国(教育部)留学服务中心和国家留学基金管理委员会留学预科学院。国际合作伙伴包括英国苏格兰学历管理委员会、英国互动大学、赫瑞瓦特大学、布鲁内尔大学、牛津布鲁克斯大学、法国兰斯管理学院、法国昂日高等商学院、瑞典厄勒布鲁大学、荷兰阿姆斯特丹商学院、荷兰海牙大学、新西兰维多利亚惠灵顿大学等40多个。学院提供从高中生入学起点到本科生入学起点的,包括半年制、一年制和三年制的本科预科、专升本预科和硕士预科项目共计十几个。学院引进国外合作伙伴优质的教育资源,依托上海财经大学雄厚的师资力量,建立严格的质量监控体系,培养的学生每年出国留学率均达到90%以上。学院还广开渠道,为学成归国的学生提供后续服务。 Under the co-operation between the Foundation College of China Scholarship Council (FCCSC) and Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (SUFE), the International Education College of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (IESUFE) was set up in 2004, with the aim to further guide and standardize the self-sponsored overseas study market, to establish a reputable foundation education system for studying abroad and to offer excellent international education & curriculum system. Established in 1917, SUFE is a prestigious university located in Shanghai, China, focusing on undergraduate and graduate education in business and management. As one of the best universities in Finance and Economic fields in China, SUFE entered the national “211 Project”, a key university system, in 1997. IESUFE is the sole institution collaborating with FCCSC in Shanghai and its neighboring area. IESUFE is a secondary college of SUFE. Supported by SUFE in its generous supply of strong bilingual teaching resources, the college has carefully selected the foreign language training institutions and instructors with rich teaching experience, and adopted an internationally standardized foundation education system for overseas studies, so as to provide high-quality and reliable foundation education for Chinese students who are planning to study abroad. IESUFE has set up a steady partnership with Chinese Service Center for Scholarly Exchange (CSCSE) and Foundation College of China Scholarship Council (FCCSC) in China, and with such foreign institutions and universities as Scottish Qualifications Authority, Interactive University, Hereto-Watt University from UK, Reams Management School from France, Rebro University from Sweden, Amsterdam School of Business from the Netherlands, Victoria University of Wellington from New Zealand etc...By 2007, IESUFE has provided more than 10 foundation programmers ranging from “pre-bachelor” to “pre-master” levels. Each year, more than 90% of the students from various programmers have been successfully transferred to our partner universities aboard to continue further study.