

2023-11-28 20:26课程 人已围观











动画教学 ,不再固定于传统教学模式,结合动画,更加具有 趣味性    ~~  

赠送 地道 美式俚语 课程 大礼包!!!  英式与美式 的结合,来这就等于赚到了~~

可以获得 布鲁斯 老师的线上 咨询辅导 哦~~

还在等什么? JUST DO IT!!!     


所有课文都基于一个 英语家庭 和他们朋友间发生的日常故事,
材料真实、地道、精炼、幽默,介绍当代 英国文化 的同时,
帮助学生更好地了解 世界文化 ,培养跨文化交际意识。  

  1. 动词过去式的规则变化。2.一般过去时的陈述句,否定句,一般疑问句及肯/否定回答
单词 听说读写 middle name wrong park drive unlock discuss plan everywhere key-ring keep clean tooth boyfriend 听说读 Impossible silliness for example collection 词组 听说读写 All the time, at lunchtime, at teatime, last month/week/winter, a year ago, look for 听说读 In my hand, talk about, arrive home 句子 听说读写
  1. Is there something wrong,Karen?
  2. I did something very silly this morning.
  3. I arrived home at about 10 0’clock.
  1. She turned on the TV at teatime.
  2. Did she turn on the TV at lunchtime?
  3. When did she turn on the TV?
  1. 特殊疑问词when/what引导的一般过去时的句子
  2. 一般过去时的陈述句,变为否定句,一般疑问句及肯/否定回答。
  Unit17单元重点 1.动词过去式的规则变化及读音。2.一般疑问句及简短回答。 ,单词 听说读写 Cuckoo, nest, birdwatcher, appear,install, invite,log on, patiently, egg,suddenly,chance,dart,
Second, hatch,easily, push,wing,show,be over,robber, count,dance,police,knock,badly, loudly,piano,between 听说读 Engineer, webcam, out of, enormous,quickly, politely,carefully,weight,the whole 词组 听说读写 In a moment, last night/Saturday, play football 听说读 Count the money, wait for,open the door, knock on the door,at the gym 句子 听说读写
  1. The cuckoo watched patiently.
  2. The cuckoo darted to the nest.
  3. Two little birds appeared in his garden.
  1. They counted the money last night.
  2. Did they count the money last night?
  3. What did the robbers do last night?
  4. Who counted the money late last night?
语法 1.一般过去时的否定句,一般疑问句及who引导的特殊句   Unit18单元重点 动词过去式的不规则变化 单词 听说读写 Label, miss, lunchbox, anyway, stuff, plane,sell, page, library 听说读 Discover, honestly, chemistry, chemical  词组 听说读写 At the same time 听说读 Last Saturday, a fortnight ago, yesterday afternoon, on Wednesday, fly to Paris, read a book 句子 听说读写
  1. I ate some of those about a year ago.
  2. Mum gave me my lunchbox,and I went or the
bus.  3. I felt a bit sick.   听说读
  1. What did Ken do yesterday?
  2. Did Ken sit in the garden yesterday?Yes,he did.
语法 动词过去式的不规则变化;特殊疑问词what/when   Unit19单元重点 动词过去式的不规则变化 单词 听说读写 Squirrel, bird feeder, nut, hang, break, dead, use, price, head, wild, ,early, sleep, exam, fast, joke, studio, outside,hear, a lot 听说读 Because of, squirrel-proof,tummy, more 词组 听说读写 cut down, break into, go to bed 听说读 Get up late, tell a joke, one day last week/month 句子 听说读写
  1. I sew it last week. 2. You told me that.
  2. I brought it home.
  1. Did Robert go to bed early last night?
  2. What did Robert do last night?
  3. Why did Robert sleep well last night?
语法 1.动词过去式的不规则变化(见P31表格)2.特殊疑问词why,回答时要用because. Unit20单元重点
  1. Will构成的一般将来时
  2. 区分be going to (用于谈论计划或打算,以及确定会发生或确定不会发生的事)
Will表示不太确定的将要发生的事情,即“简单的预测” 单词 听说读写 Will, fashion shoot, regular, wonderful,promise, spend, ticket, pay for, abroad 听说读 Successful. unsuccessful, apartment 词组 听说读写 Go home, in the evening,,every night, cook beautiful meals 听说读 next Monday/April/summer/year/week, the day
after tomorrow, the week after next 句子 听说读写
  1. I want to tell you something.
  2. I’m going to get an ordinary job in an office
  3. I’ll work regular hours./go home in the evening.
  4. I’ll cook beautiful meals./meet the right man.
  1. What are you going to do tomorrow.
  2.  I’m going to do some shopping.
  3. Are you going to do some shopping tomorrow?
  4.  I’ll see you in town.
语法 1.Will构成的一般将来时 2.回顾be going to及一般疑问句 Unit21单元重点
  1. 表示将来的时间词 2.will引导的一般疑问句
单词 听说读写 Forecast, go over to ,the next few, wind, blow bring in Air, rain, rise, fall, outlook, move, yet,train 听说读 Announcer, forecaster, south west, gradually, degrees
Celsius 词组 听说读写 Move house, look for a new job, fly to Paris, have a holiday, go to the theatre 听说读 In a short time, in a moment, in a few minutes’ time
In an hour’s time, in two weeks’ time, in a month’s time, in two years’ time 句子 听说读写
  1. From today, the wind will blow from the south west
  2. We’ll have some rain.
  3. It will feel cold over the hills.
  1. Will they move house soon? Yes,they will./No,they –
  2. When will they move house? In a year’s time.
语法 Will引导的一般疑问句以及肯/否定回答 Unit22单元重点 There be 句型的一般将来时 单词 听说读写 Behave yourself/myself, outsider, sound, start, last, sharp,clear,lecture,till, until, concert, over, motor 听说读 Reasonable, exhibition 词组 听说读写 This morning/afternoon, tomorrow night 听说读 About four hours, two and a half hours,just over two hours 句子 听说读写
  1. There’ll be another one next Friday night.
  2. There will be some French students, but there won’t
be any outsiders.
  1. Our teachers will be there, too.
  1. There will be a lecture this evening.
  2. Will there be a lecture this evening? Yes, there will.
  3. How long will it last? It’ll last one hour.
When will the lecture start? 语法 1.There be句型的一般将来时,一般疑问句及肯,否定回答
2.when引导的一般将来时句型 Unit23单元重点 How far/high/wide/deep/long/heavy is that……. 单词 听说读写 Striking,send,face,file,messenger,How far,anyone,height,
Foot,have a look,later,building,mountain,high,wide,width,
Deep,depth,ladder,length,parcel,kilo,end 听说读 centimetre 词组 听说读写 无 听说读 无 句子 听说读写
  1. How far is it to your house from here?
  2. What height is that?
  1. How far/high/wide/deep/long/heavy is that…….
2.What’s the height/width/depth/length/weight of that…… 语法 Will引导的一般将来时 Unit24单元重点 形容词比较级和最高级的句型结构 单词 听说读写 Quiz,try out, than, low,answer, in fact,brave,uncle,person 听说读 Continent,population density, trick question,square mile,obviously, competition 词组 听说读写 In the world/class/office, look up, 听说读 In the competition/studio 句子 听说读写
  1. Which is the highest in the British Isles?
  2. What’s the longest river in the world?
  3. The Nile is longer than the Amazon.
  1. John is taller than Bob. John is the taller of the two.
  2. Dan’s the tallest. Dan is the tallest of the three.
  3. Dan is the tallest boy in our class.
  1. 形容词的比较级和最高级变化规则及句子结构
  2. 形容词比较级和最高级的一般疑问句及特殊疑问句。
  1. 形容词比较级的表达方式2.句型not as/so…..as,the same as,a little cheaper以及almost as cheap.
单词 听说读写 Save,suit,prefer,on the right/left,style,quality,as….as,
Difference,go with,the other,a little, almost,vase,age 听说读 Linen,microfibre 词组 听说读写   听说读   句子 听说读写
  1. They’re both the same size/colour/style.
  2. The microfiber one is cheaper than the linen one.
  3. It isn’t as expensive as the linen one.
  1. The one on the left is cheap than the one on the right.
2.The one on the right isn’t as cheap as the one on the left
3. It’s a little cheaper.      4. It’s almost as cheap. 语法 形容词比较级句型表达方式 Unit26单元重点 形容词good和bad不规则变化的比较级和最高级
练习比较级结构not as…..as; 程度副词quite,fairly和
rather来限定或降低形容词的程度。 单词 听说读写 Report,excellent,everything,come top/bottom in,enough,
Fairly,rather,poor,compare,term 听说读 Geography,inch,kilometre 词组 听说读写   听说读   句子 听说读写
  1. What’s your report like,Vikki?
  2. Vikki’s report is always better than mine.
  3. You’re the best gymnast, Flora.
  1. She comes top/first/second/seventh/eighth/bottom.
  2. It was better/worse than John’s.
  3. How did it compare with Tim’s.
语法 形容词good和bad不规则变化的比较级和最高级
练习比较级结构not as…..as Unit27单元重点 1.区分how much与how many
2. a little/a lot of/a few的比较级和最高级 单词 听说读写 Pocket money, lend, pound, own,beginning,pay back,
Borrow,cost 听说读 actually 词组 听说读写   听说读   句子 听说读写
  1. Have you got any money, Robert? A little.
  2. How much do you want? Just a few pounds.
听说读 1.How much money has Robert got?He’s got a little money
2.How many books has Robert got?He’s got a few.
3.Have you got any money/books? 语法
  1. How much询问“量”,回答时用a little,less,the least以及a lot
more,the most(修饰不可数名词)
  1. How many询问“数”,回答时用a few,fewer,the fewest,以及
A lot, more, the most.(修饰可数名词) Unit28单元重点 学习并练习有两个以上音节的形容词的比较级和最高级 单词 听说读写 Even,exist,poster,ceiling,singer,favorite,crazy,computer
Game,care,chess,hard-working,opinion,think of,popular,
Exciting,powerful,comfortable,stage 听说读 Detective,martial arts master,reliable 词组 听说读写   听说读   句子 听说读写
  1. He’s the best singer in the world.
  2. And he’s the most handsome.
She’s the most beautiful girl in the world,and the cleverest. 听说读
  1. She is more intelligent than Frank.
  2. She is less hard-working than Fank.
  3. She is the most intelligent student in the class.
  4. What’s your opinin of Jane?
语法 学习有两个以上音节的形容词的比较级和最高级:more/less expensive than; the most/least comfortable car in the road Unit29单元重点 学习并练习方式副词的比较级和最高级 单词 听说读写 Rival,high jump, long jump,personal,the other day,paint,
Dress,lose 听说读 definitely 词组 听说读写   听说读   句子 听说读写
  1. Paul ran the fastest.
  2. He jumped further than anyone.
  1. He ran faster than Dan.
  2. Did Paul run fast than Dan?
  3. He definitely ran the fastest.
  1. 有两个以上音节的副词的比较级和最高级是在单词前加more
/most和less/least.  2.其他副词的比较级和最高级加-er/ier和-est/iest; 3.well-better-the best; far-further/farther-furthest/farthest Unit30单元重点 学习和练习How much….?询问价格和重量 单词 听说读写 Giant squid,scientist, on show,eye,suker,amazing,the rest of,ear, regularly,postcard,weigh,squid 听说读   词组 听说读写   听说读   句子 听说读写 1.How much did you pay for it?  It cost $3.70. 听说读
  1. How much do those postcard cost?=How much are those poatcard? =What’s the price of those postcard?
  1. 句型How much is/are…..?How much do/does…..cost?以及What’s the price of……?
  2. Cost和pay for的区别。


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