

2024-06-01 22:59百科知识 人已围观



1.I came back late yesterday because of heavy rain. 2.He spoke so loudly that all of us could hear him. 3.It is pleasant for me to meet you in London unexpectedly 4.The sooner he tried hard, the sooner he seemed to make little progress.5.It is surprising that she was the daughter of one of my old friends.




算不上什么级别 只是很简单的口语测试 一般在高考成绩下来后的三四天 开始考 不必过于紧张


Since the ban on free plastic bags was enforced in January in 2008,the number of plastic bags used in supermarkets and department stores has greatly reduced.we have made a survey on it recently.here is the result.
there are 70 percent of people for the ban on free plastic bags.they have strong arguments.first,the people in our country use 3 billion plastic bags a day,and it causes terrible waste of natural resources.second,many people droped plastic bags ignorantly.the recovery of them is not very perfect now.this makes the environment seriously polluted.
however,there are also 30 percent of people against it.they can also back them up with clear arguments.they think that no more offering free plastic bags will bring economic pressure on people.it also makes shopping not easy.and it bring trouble to supermarket management.
in my opinion,i think it necessary to forbid shops and supermarkets from offering free plastic bags. When shopping, we can use cloth bags or baskets instead of plastic bags as we used to. 我是高三学生,这是我手工翻译的,我英语学得很好,所以我相信这篇文章没有问题,希望可以帮到你^_^




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