2024-05-29 22:09百科知识 人已围观
计算机课在英语中有几种说法computer class, computer course, computer lesson
计算机专业的一些课程用英语怎么说?计算机网络: computer network ;
计算机组成原理: principles of computer organization;
软件工程: software engineering;
数据结构: data structure;
应用电子学 Applied Electronics;
操作系统 Operating System.
Ilike computer than English and maths. I stuy computer very hard , but in school aslo at home. from monday to satday I learn the computer. I always draw some picture and listen some singings by the computer. and do my homework by the computer too. I look at the computer two hours in a day .
电脑课用英语怎么说电脑课: 1. computer studies2. computer class 她在夜校上电脑课。 She is attending evening classes in computer studies.
电脑课 用英文怎么说Computer lessons。绝对属实,不骗你的。我在我们班可是英语天才,考试都没下过95的。相信我吧!不会骗你的!!!!!!