

2024-03-17 14:45百科知识 人已围观



[lán yá]
n. bluetooth双语例句:
1.第 7 章讨论了蓝牙功能,以及如何通过计算机来使用它们。
Chapter 7 discusses the Bluetooth capabilities and how to use them with yourcomputer. 2.通过无线蓝牙技术,你可以在离迪奥手机e5a48de588b662616964757a686964616f3133336339303815 米以内的地方使用它。
You can use it up to 15 meters away from the Dior phone with its wirelessBluetooth technology. 3.他们得出结论:通过蓝牙在手机之间传播的病毒不构成太大的问题,因为这些手机使用者必须离的很近,这样他们的手机才能互相“看见”。
And they concluded that viruses that spread from phone to phone by Bluetoothare not much concern, because users have to be in close physical proximity for their phones to “see” one another.


美 ['blu:tu:θ]
n. 蓝牙技术(一种无线通信的标准)
短语Bluetooth Telephone蓝牙电话
bluetooth mouse蓝牙鼠标
Bluetooth SPP蓝牙串口助手
Bluetooth Stereo蓝牙立体声
Bluetooth can be regarded as a kind of open, global wireless standard of voice and data communication technologies.
蓝牙一词的由来“蓝牙”(Bluetooth)一词是斯堪的纳维亚语中 Blåtand / Blåtann (即古挪威语blátǫnn) 的一个英语化版本,该词是十世纪的一位国王Harald Bluetooth的绰号,他将纷争不断的丹麦部落统一为一个王国,传说中他还引入了基督教。
以此为蓝牙命名的想法最初是Jim Kardach于1997年提出的,Kardach开发了能够允许移动电话与计算机通讯的系统。他的灵感来自于当时他正在阅读的一本由Frans G. Bengtsson 撰写的描写北欧海盗和Harald Bluetooth国王的历史小说The Long Ships,意指蓝牙也将把通讯协议统一为全球标准。


蓝牙的英语:bluetooth ['blu,tuθ].
词性:n. 蓝牙技术.
bluetooth profile 蓝牙规范bluetooth device 蓝牙设备bluetooth product 蓝牙产品bluetooth communicator 蓝牙通讯扩展资料
用蓝牙造句:1、In my tests, voice quality was very good, even on conference calls and over Bluetooth in the car.
在我的测试中,语音质量非常棒,就连电话会议和在汽车上使用蓝牙时也一样。2、In this scenario, a bluetooth keyboard could be connected as well.
在这种情况下,还可以连上一块蓝牙键盘。3、Or you can use a Bluetooth wireless keyboard.
或者你也可以使用蓝牙无线键盘。4、And although they both have Bluetooth, it's not the same version.
并且虽然他们都有蓝牙,两者的版本却不同。5、The only requirement is that the attacker must have authentication and authorization privileges over Bluetooth.

什么是蓝牙 翻译成英文

修改答复 :(三康、朗讯这两品牌不会译) The bluetooth technology,is a type of wireless-communication technology which is being used in short distance in fact,when using bluetooth technique,the communication between handheld computers,portable computers and mobiles can be effectively simplied,the comunication between internet and those devices above can be effectively simplied too,so data transmission between modern communication-devices and internet becomes more rapidly and more effectively,which broadened the futrue of wireless-communication.Generally speaking,bluetooth technique makes some modern lightly communication-devices such as mobiles and computers,to link with each other without a cable,and also link with internet at a same mode,in fact its apllycation field can be broadened to all kinds of household electric appliances,electron equipments and cars etc.,to form a huge wireless-communication network. The background of bluetooth is described like this:May-1998,Elricson,,Nokia,Toshiba,IBM and Intel brought an idea called bluetooth when they combined to develop a standardizing activity of wireless-communication technology in short distance,the purpose of which is to provide a wireless transmission applycation technique in short distance and costs low.These five coporitions established special-interests-in-bluetooth-squad,which to make bluetooth technique becomes the standardization of wireless-communication technology.The overlord of ships,Intel,was to be in charge of the development of semiconductor chips and transmission software;Elricson was to be in charge of the development of wireless radio frequency and mobile software;IBM and Toshiba were to be in charge of the development of interface standrads of portable computers.On the last six months of 1999,famous coporitions Microsoft,Motorola,(三康?),(朗讯?)and the special-interests-in-bluetooth-squad together established an organization to popularize bluetooth technique,thereby an upsurge of bluetooth was raised all over the world.Professions on the globe would develop many applycation products on the basis of bluetooth technique,so the future of the marketplace of bluetooth technique is very extensive,and it indicated that a communication tide surging forward with great momentum will occur at earlier times in 21st century.


“蓝牙”就是根据英文直译过来的,应为 Bluetooth ;类似的还有像“黑莓”=Blackberry。




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